Local News
Local News Briefs Wednesday 5/11/16
Fox Lake Man Facing Vehicular Homicide Charges
A 69-year-old Fox Lake man is facing vehicular homicide charges in Dodge County Court. Lee Henricksen made his initial appearance this week on charges stemming from a three vehicle accident in August of 2014. He was driving a semi-truck on County Highway A near the intersection of Indian Hills Trail in the Town of Beaver Dam when he ran into the back of another vehicle. That pushed the vehicle into the opposite lane where it struck another. A 9-year-old boy from Lindenhurst, Illinois died of the injuries he suffered in the accident. Henricksen wasn’t hurt, but the other two drivers were seriously injured. Henricksen was released on a $1,000 signature bond and has a preliminary hearing on June 30th.
FDL City Council Preview
The Fond du Lac City Council tonight will discuss whether the City should allow pets in City Parks. Councilman Brian Kolstad asked for the discussion, which could get referred to the Advisory Park Board. The Council will also get an update on the Art Board and in closed session following the regular meeting will discuss economic development opportunities. The Council meets at 6 p.m. in the City-County Government Center.
FDL Fire And Rescue Recognized For Care It Provides Heart Attack Patients
Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue has been recognized for the level of care they provide for heart attack patients. The Department won the 2016 Mission Lifeline® EMS Silver Level Recognition Award. Assistant Chief Todd Janquart says it’s recognition from the American Heart Association. He says heart monitoring allows them to provide better care for heart attack patients and better coordinate with hospital personnel to have the right people in place when the patient arrives. Janquart says the award boils down to the care they give heart attack patients. He says they don’t get a plaque or anything like that with the award, but receive the recognition that they are doing a very good service for the community.
Walker Not Likely To Be Considered As Running Mate For Trump
State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt says it’s highly unlikely Governor Scott Walker will be mentioned as a possible running mate for Donald Trump. He says Walker endorsed Ted Cruz during the Wisconsin primary and there was friction between Walker and Trump during Walker’s presidential bid. He says when Walker dropped out of the race he was very critical of Trump even though he didn’t mention Trump by name. Thiesfeldt mentions another former Republican presidential candidate Trump could use as a ploy to unite the party. He says if Trump were to nominate Cruz for the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy that could sway a lot of Cruz supporters over to Trump’s camp. As for Walker, Thiesfeldt says it looks like Walker is gearing up for another run at keeping his position as governor. The Republican State Convention will be held in Green Bay this weekend.
NFDL Teachers Contracts Approved
The North Fond du Lac School Board approved two types of teaching contracts this week. District Superintendent Aaron Sadoff says the board approved teaching contracts for the next school year with raises varying from 1.8 to 4.6 percent. He says all teachers evaluated as effective or distinguished will be getting a raise. The board also approved teaching contracts for summer school. He says they will probably hire more teachers as summer school enrollment picks up. In closed session the board also considered adjusting an administrator’s contract, which Sadoff says will be done in open session at the board’s next meeting. He says they negotiated a savings for a post-retirement benefit for an administrator who is retiring that will benefit that administrator and save the district money.
Red Cross Volunteer Opportunities
A longtime member of the local Red Cross says there are all kinds of opportunities for those who would like to volunteer for the Red Cross. Peter Sensenbrenner is in fact a volunteer himself. He says to get started fill out an application on the Red Cross website. He says you will find a list of areas of interest and some could appeal to you. He says there are opportunities on both the local and national levels. Sensenbrenner says you will have to take a course to learn more about the area of interest you want to participate in. He says some of the courses are online and some are in group settings.
Blood Drive At Ripon Medical Center
Area residents are invited to join Ripon Medical Center associates, volunteers and physicians and donate blood today to The Community Blood Center. Blood donations will be accepted from noon to 4 p.m. in the Ripon Medical Center’s Princeton and Ripon Rooms. Walk-ins are welcome.