Local News
Local Superintendents Comment On DPI School Report Cards
School district superintendents in Fond du Lac and North Fond du Lac are pleased with the grades their districts and schools got from the state Department of Public Instruction on school report cards. Fond du Lac Schools Superintendent Jim Sebert says their overall score of 76.1 means they exceeded expectations. Out of the five-star rating the district was in the 4-star category. Twelve of the district’s 15 schools were in the top two categories compared to nine last year. North Fond du Lac Schools Superintendent Aaron Sadoff says their overall score of 70.5 put them in the meets expectations category. Bessie Allen Middle and the Friendship Learning Center exceeded expectations, but Horace Mann High School met few expectations which Sadoff says had to do with ACT testing. Both feel their districts have been making steady progress.