Man Dead After Brief Standoff In Waupun

A man is dead in Waupun after a brief standoff stemming from a domestic situation yesterday evening.

Around 7:30 PM a call came in of the domestic situation on west Brown Street, between State and Walker Streets.

Upon arrival it was learned the man involved may have a weapon. After about 10 minutes, and as more backup arrived, the man had climbed up on the rooftop of the residence and reportedly fired a self inflicted gunshot wound to his head and he died on the scene.

No official details of the situation have been released at this time.

KFIZ will bring you more details if and when they are released.

Responding to the scene was the Waupun Police Department, Dodge and Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Officers, The Wisconsin State Patrol, Waupun First Responders, Lifestar EMS and Waupun Fire Department.