Local News
Measles Update – Health Officials Continue to Stress Importance of Getting Vaccine
We’re in the heart of summer vacation season, and the Fond
du Lac County Health Department is reminding travelers to make sure their
vaccinations are up-to-date, especially if they have a trip planned to an area
with a high number of measles cases. As of July 3rd, the Centers for
Disease Control reported just over 1,100 individual cases of the measles confirmed
in 28 states. Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says while
the disease isn’t expected to spread as quickly during the summer, now is the
time to prepare for a more active fall and winter season. “In preparation, now
is the time we can act on it, now is the time we can work to prevent any quick
spread here in Wisconsin,” Mueller said. “Look into yourself, your family, your
friends – you have to make sure you’re vaccinated to be protected – nobody is
immune to this.” Measles cases have been reported as close as Illinois, Iowa, Indiana
and Michigan. None have been reported in Wisconsin or Minnesota so far.