Local News
MPTC Great Pink Pumpkin Run Benefitted Efforts For Women Battling Breast Cancer
Four different efforts that support women who have breast cancer or battled it benefitted from Moraine Park Technical College’s Great Pink Pumpkin 5K Run/Walk last October. Patty Lehn is Moraine Park’s Marketing Director. She says those four different efforts split the $10,000 raised at the event on the Fond du Lac campus. She notes some of the money went to Breast Cancer Recovery in Monona, Small Stones in West Bend and two more local efforts. She says, “Agnesian HealthCare got money so they could offer 3-D mammography rather than just 2-D for those who can’t afford it. So that’s kind of a cool thing and some of the money went to the Beaver Dam Community Hospital Cancer Care and Breast Recovery.”