Local News
Natural Beauty Council Seeking Nominations For Beautification Awards

Fond du Lac County Natural Beauty Council is accepting nominations for outstanding efforts by homes, businesses, farms, institutions, and churches that contribute to beautification and preservation through landscaping and outside property improvements in Fond du Lac County. Area 4-H clubs can be nominated for planting flowers and shrubs. Eligibility for a Beautification Award is every 10 years.
Nominations will be accepted until Monday, July 11, 2016. To submit a nomination, call the University of Wisconsin Extension Office at (920) 929-3173 or send a written nomination to Beautification Awards, UW-Extension, 227 Admin/Extension Building, 400 University Drive, Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Please include your name and phone number, as well as the name, address, and phone number of the nominated site.
Members of the Fond du Lac County Natural Beauty Council will tour the nominated sites in late July. Awards will be presented at a fall session of the Fond du Lac County Board of Supervisors. Winners will receive a Fond du Lac County Natural Beautification Award plaque and 4‑H Clubs will receive a gift certificate. Members of the Fond du Lac County Natural Beauty Council include Marianne Geiger, Paul Levandowski, Mary Jean Nicholson, Sue Siegesmund, and Gerda Strupp.