Local News
New UW-Oshkosh Chancellor Selected
UW-Oshkosh has a new chancellor. The UW System Board of Regents approved Dr.
Andrew J. Leavitt’s appointment as the 11th chancellor of UW-Oshkosh. He is
currently the vice president for University Advancement at the
and chief executive officer of the
Inc. He will begin at the UW-Oshkosh on November 1st. Leavitt says he’s excited about the
opportunity. He says he basically grew up in a state university setting, which
he says has a unique relationship between students and faculty. Leavitt says
fundraising for university programs takes community engagement, which his
predecessor Chancellor Wells was a master at. Dr. Barbara Rau, of the UW Oshkosh
College of Business, who chaired the 21-member search-and-screen committee,
said it is a significant day for the University and will build on the momentum
generated during the chancellorship of Richard H. Wells. For more about
Leavitt’s appointment click here.