NFDL One Of Two Districts In Area Seeing Student Increases, Expansion Could Be In The Future

The North Fond du lac School District held their Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing Monday night. The school reviewed the treasurer’s report, which showed the district had revenues through June 30, 2021 of just over $19.5 million which was up just over $1.6 million when compared to 2020. The district also had expenses of $19.4 million, an increase of just over $1.5 million from the previous year.

The student numbers within the district continue to rise, and School District Superintendent Aaron Sadoff tells KFIZ News the growth in the district since 2011 has been amazing. ” Since 2011, our enrollment has gone up about 30%. This past year, we have 38 more students we are serving than what we served last year.”

Sadoff also said the growth makes the district just one of two district’s in the area seeing an increase in student enrollment numbers(Oakfield being the other), which he says pose positive challenges down the road. “We’re going to be looking at having to do something. Our high school, when it was built in the late 1990’s, was built to handle 460 kids. We currently have 467 there.”

You can find the information from the meeting on the NFDL School District website, located here: