Local News
Pedestrian Killed In Sheboygan County Accident

Sheboygan County Sheriff’s officials have released the name of a pedestrian who was struck and killed by a van early Sunday morning. Twenty-three-year old Shawn Kaufert of Sheboygan Falls was on County Road P when he was hit by a van. He died at the scene. Forty-nine-year old Brian Hartwig of New Holstein was driving the van. Speed and alcohol are not believed to be factors in the accident. The accident in the Town of Rhine was reported just after 4:30 Sunday morning.
A 23-year-old Sheboygan Falls man was hit and killed by a van early Sunday morning. Sheriff’s officials got a call from the driver of the van who was on County Highway P when the pedestrian was struck. The accident in the Town of Rhine was called in shortly after 4:30 a.m. Investigators say it does not appear that alcohol or speed were factors in the accident.