Public Hearing Tonight on 2020 FDL City Budget

City of Fond du Lac Residents are invited to share their
thoughts on the 2020 City Budget during a public hearing tonight. City Manager
Joe Moore first presented the budget to the City Council at their August 28th
meeting. The spending plan includes a decrease of about two percent in the property
tax rate, from $9.83 to $9.64. It also includes $3.5 million for the
construction of the new Lakeside Park Pavilion, just over $1 million to replace
a ladder truck for the Fire Department and $1.75 million for work on the Fond
du Lac Avenue/National Avenue/County Highway V intersection.

The budget hearing begins at 6 pm tonight, prior to the
City Council Meeting, at the City/County Government Center in Fond du Lac.

Read More about the 2020 City Budget here