Local News
Radio And Cell Calls Reported Officer Involved Accident

It was a busy night at the corner of 2nd and Macy Street in Fond du Lac Tuesday night and not because the County Board was meeting. Within an hour of each other there were two separate two-vehicle accidents. The second one involved a 44-year-old Fond du Lac woman who went through a flashing red traffic signal and hit a squad car driven by Police Officer Jared Pfalzgraf. The 24-year-old officer radioed in the accident to the Fond du Lac County Communications Center.
Dispatchers inquired about injuries and the officer believed someone in the other car was injured, but didn’t think he was. Meanwhile the dispatch center began receiving multiple cell phone calls about the accident and a woman at the scene who was screaming. Officer Pfalzgraf and the other driver Nairobi Hull were both taken to St. Agnes Hospital where they were treated and released.