Local News
Ribbon Cutting Held For The Treffert Center

A ribbon-cutting was held Thursday afternoon at the Treffert Center in Fond du Lac. The Agnesian HealthCare facility is named after World-Renowned Autism and Savant Syndrome Expert Dr. Darold Treffert of Fond du Lac. It houses the Treffert Library, Treffert Academy and Agnesian Autism, Behavior and Communications Center. Agnesian President and CEO Steve Little says it is a dream come true for those who wanted to provide better service to children with autism. Dr. Treffert says he found out while working at Winnebago Mental Health Institute that kids with autism also want to be loved. He says a child told him he was there because he had a nervous breakdown. Treffert asked him what that was and the boy said a nervous breakdown is when nobody loves you. He says part of their mission at the Treffert Center is love because love is good therapist too. Dr. Treffert says Dr. Doll made significant contributions to making the center possible and has a child-like enthusiasm when it comes to working with kids. He says Doll has a connection with kids that is thrilling and fun to watch.
Dr. Treffert in the foreground, Steve Little in the background.