Local News
Right Turn Lane Would Reduce Accidents At FDL Walmart Driveway

Money is included in Fond du Lac’s 2015 Capital Improvement Budget to design a right turn lane at the south driveway entrance to Walmart. State and Federal money will pay for 90 percent of the costs of putting in the lane, which is expected to reduce the number of accidents on Rolling Meadows Drive at the business. Police Captain Rob Duveneck (pictured) says over the five year period of 2009-2013 there were 68 reportable accidents and 17 of those were injury accidents. He says for many drivers it’s a visibility issue. City Engineer Paul DeVries says a right turn lane will resolve some of those visibility issues for people leaving the parking lot. He says they will include $19,000 in the 2015 CIP Budget for design of the project, but it takes a while for the process when state and federal funding is involved. He says construction would be late next year or in 2016.