Local News
Ruby’s Pantry announces September food distribution day – September 12
Ruby’s is for anyone who eats. Stretch your grocery dollars. There are no requirements to qualify for food. The cash donation helps to defray trucking expenses.
Distribution Date: Thursday September 12, 2024
Time: Distribution will be from 4:30pm-6:00pm, or whenever we are out of food shares, whichever comes first. Please enter in the East entrance to Grace Christian Church off of Hwy K. This entrance and the check-in line will not be open until 3:30pm. Vehicles will not be permitted to park on either side of Hwy K. Please also do not park in the Mausoleum or behind our volunteers’ vehicles on 4th St.
Location: Grace Christian Church, 1596 Fourth St., Fond du Lac, on the corner of Fourth Street and Highway K. (Phone# 920-923-5292)
On-line pre-registration: On-line pre-registration is full for September and will open for October at 1:00 am on the morning after the distribution. If pre-registered guests come before their scheduled time, they will kindly be asked to wait.
What To Expect: ALL guests will park on the South side of the building and will enter our building to check-in. Once a guest has received their food share pick-up number, they will receive further instructions of where to go. No smoking permitted on the premises, except inside an individual’s vehicle. Vehicle’s trunk must be EMPTY. For further information, go to www.gccfdl.org
Donation: $25 cash donation only (Local businesses and individuals donate food, supplies, equipment and advertising.)
Volunteers: All current volunteers need to be capable of lifting 10-20 pounds consistently, be on their feet, and move at a quick pace for the duration of the distribution. If you are interested in volunteering in September, please go to www.rubyspantry.org and fill out an application. All applications and background checks must be approved BEFORE the night of the distribution in order for an applicant to volunteer.