Local News
State Patrol, Local Law Enforcement to Target Crash “Hotspots”
The Wisconsin State Patrol along with local law
enforcement agencies are planning increased enforcement in several communities
in northeast Wisconsin in areas known as crash “hotspots”. The Wisconsin
Department of Transportation, Wisconsin State Patrol and local police agencies
work in cooperation with the UW-Madison Traffic Operations and Safety lab to
collect and analyze data on traffic crashes and citations. That information is
used to create focused efforts to cut down on dangerous driving behaviors such
as speeding, drivers not wearing their seatbelt and distracted or impaired
In the City of Fond du Lac and Fond du Lac County, the
data identified crash “hotspots” and their top contributing factors, including:
–South Macy Street/South Park Avenue and Fourth Street –
Bicyclist Crashes
–North Main Street and East Johnson Street – Distracted drivers
–US Highway 45 – Distracted Drivers and Teen Drivers
According to a media release, over the last three years
in June, July and August, there were 422 injury crashes in Fond du Lac County.
Those crashes resulted in 596 injuries and 10 fatalities. The DOT identifies
the following factors as contributing to those crashes:
–Teen Drivers (19%)
–Distracted Driving (17%)
–Driving without a seatbelt (16%)
–Speeding (13%)
Increased enforcement is also planned for areas in
Winnebago County and Brown County