Local News
Stepdaughter’s Use of CPR Credited with Helping to Save Man’s Life in Washington County
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office credits a stepdaughter’s
knowledge and use of CPR with saving a life last Friday in the Town of
Farmington. A news release says a 59-year-old man was hosting a family event at
his home on Green Lake when he suddenly went unresponsive. His 26-year-old
stepdaughter, who is a lifeguard trained in CPR, recognized what was happening
and started performing CPR. A deputy provided medical personnel on scene with an
AED, which was used to shock his heart back into rhythm. The man – who had no
prior cardiac history – regained consciousness before being transported to the
Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis said “Stories
like this clearly demonstrate the importance for everyone to know basic CPR.
One day you may need it to save a loved one, just as this stepdaughter did.”