Local News
Sturgeon Report 2-13-16

The KFIZ Sturgeon Update is presented by Air Tech Heating!
Here’s what Ryan Koenigs of the Wisconsin DNR has to stay about Day #1 of the sturgeon season…
Attention Winnebago System Sturgeon Spearing Enthusiasts:
Day 1 of the 2016 Sturgeon Spearing season on the Winnebago System is in the books and things went as expected for the most part. The water clarity on Lake Winnebago contributed to a slow first day with a total harvest of 84 fish. Wendt’s was the busiest station by quite a margin (32 fish) followed by Stockbridge (16) and Payne’s Point (11). Earlier this week we observed a consistent 7’ of clarity throughout the Upriver Lakes and therefore, I was anticipating a pretty busy opening day. This was indeed the case as 151 fish were registered today on the Upriver Lakes, which means that 32.0% of Upriver Lakes license holders harvested fish today. A detailed breakdown of the opening day harvest by station can be viewed in the attached spreadsheet.
The largest fish today was a 131.6 pound, 78.3” female speared by Jeremey Witzel (Shiocton) and registered at Payne’s Point. The 2nd largest fish was 128.3 pounds (75.1”) and speared by Justin Enders (St. Cloud, WI) before being registered at Quinney (see above photo). In total there were 7 fish registered today that were 100 pounds or larger, 5 from the Upriver Lakes and 2 from Lake Winnebago.
As it stands now, it looks like a full 16-day season on Lake Winnebago and a shorter season on the Upriver Lakes that likely will end early to mid-week. I plan to send out a more detailed report comparing opening day this season, to recent seasons so stay tuned. Good luck during the remainder of the season!