Local News
Sturgeon Report 2-22-16

Here’s today’s Sturgeon Report presented by Air Tech Heating.
DNR Sturgeon Biologist Ryan Koenigs writes:
Winnebago System Sturgeon Spearing Enthusiasts:
There were considerably fewer shanties on Lake Winnebago today, even relative to the past weekend. As a result, harvest was down and included only 9 fish being registered today (5 at Stockbridge Harbor, 2 at Payne’s Point, 2 at Jim and Linda’s, and 0 at Wendt’s). The largest fish today was 72.7 pounds, 65.8” and registered at Payne’s Point by Ryan Relien.
We will again maintain 4 open registration stations tomorrow. We also plan to conduct our diet analysis tomorrow, meaning that I currently have roughly 80 sturgeon stomachs thawing and stinking up our lab. From the fish I’ve seen at stations this season it seems like there is a good mix of sturgeon predating on shad, red worms, and isopods to some extent. I plan to write a vignette about diet preference with our lake sturgeon population, which will incorporate 2016 data. I’m not sure which days report this will be included in, but stay tuned to reports later in the week to see the results.
DNR photo from Sunday.