Local News
Sturgeon Report 2-25-16

Here’s today’s Sturgeon update presented by Air Tech Heating..
DNR Sturgeon Biologist Ryan Koenigs writes:
Only 3 days remain for the 2016 sturgeon spear fishery on the Winnebago System. Today’s harvest included 12 fish (6 registered at Stockbridge Harbor, 3 at Payne’s Point, and 3 at Calumet Harbor) and brings the season total to 364 fish from Lake Winnebago (2.76% of spearers have registered a fish to date).
There were a couple of nice fish registered today. Lee Pirkov (pictured) registered his 70.6″, 104.5 pound fish at Stockbridge and it turns out this was the largest fish registered on the lake today. Greg Golliher’s (pictured below) fish may have not been 100 pounds, but his 65.8″, 91.7 pound fish was still heavier than any fish that were harvested Monday-Wednesday of this week. I have included photos of both fish below.
Good luck to all spearers that plan to go out on the ice tomorrow and into the weekend. We plan to continue to operate 4 registration stations (Payne’s Point, Stockbridge Harbor, Calumet Harbor, and Wendt’s) through the remainder of the season. Hopefully we will be able to register your fish over the remaining three days.
There were a couple of nice fish registered today. Lee Pirkov (pictured) registered his 70.6″, 104.5 pound fish at Stockbridge and it turns out this was the largest fish registered on the lake today. Greg Golliher’s (pictured below) fish may have not been 100 pounds, but his 65.8″, 91.7 pound fish was still heavier than any fish that were harvested Monday-Wednesday of this week. I have included photos of both fish below.
Good luck to all spearers that plan to go out on the ice tomorrow and into the weekend. We plan to continue to operate 4 registration stations (Payne’s Point, Stockbridge Harbor, Calumet Harbor, and Wendt’s) through the remainder of the season. Hopefully we will be able to register your fish over the remaining three days.