Local News
Sturgeon Report Day Five
DNR Winnebago System Sturgeon Biologist Ryan Koenigs writes:
There were 24 sturgeon harvested from Lake Winnebago today bringing the season total to 253. Calumet Harbor (Pipe) paced the way with 7 fish while Stockbridge Harbor and Jerry’s Bar (Oshkosh) each registered 4. On the season, Wendt’s has a pretty good lead on all other stations with 67 fish registered thus far. The largest fish of the day was 92.5 pounds (67.2”) and registered at Calumet Harbor by Joseph Brenner. Unfortunately, we did not get a picture of Joseph with his fish. The season will continue for another 11 days, so spearers will have some time to get out and harvest a fish yet this season.
Yesterday I mentioned that the 84.5” fish registered at Jerry’s Bar was the longest fish that I had confirmed record of being harvested. We have fairly reliable harvest records dating back to the early 1970s, but only intermittent records prior to that. Yesterday’s fish was the longest fish in our data set during this time period, however, I was made aware of at least one longer fish harvested prior to the 1970s. That fish was Bill Mortimer’s 85” 168 pound sturgeon harvested during the 1957 season. I have included an excerpt from a news clipping showing a photo of Bill with his fish. It’s possible there are other longer fish out there in the history as well. If you are aware of any, please pass on the photo and story.
Regardless of the length of fish harvested during past seasons, fish records are based off weight not length. The current state record lake sturgeon harvested via spear was 212.2 pounds (84.2”) and taken during the 2010 spearing season. Many of the top 11 heaviest fish on record were taken during the 2010-2013 seasons. Although we have not had a 170+ pound fish registered in the past 5 years, we have had a number of fish harvested that were certainly long enough to be on this list had they been in better condition (plumpness). Kyle’s fish would certainly highlight that bunch.