Local News
Summer Pool Pass Program In Thirteenth Year

The snow has melted…summer is fast approaching…kids are looking for fun activities to do outdoors….the time when families start to look forward to swimming together in the area’s beautiful outdoor pools, Taylor Park and the Fairgrounds. Unfortunately, for some of our local families, that dream is not a reality. Some local families can’t afford the membership costs required to use the pools. For the 13th consecutive year, John Redmond of the FDL Parks Dept, Renee Wagner of the FDL Recreation Dept, and Sandi Roehrig, of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation are working together to raise money for pool pass assistance for the local children and families who otherwise could not afford to use the pools. Last year, 54 families received free or reduced cost pool passes. This number is down from 100 families in 2014, because the numbers of passes available is based upon how much money we are able to raise each year. Throughout the years, thousands of children and their parents have received passes. Since 2003, through the generosity of our donors, over $131,000 has been awarded to needy children and families for passes. “The Summer Pool Pass Program has provided a healthy recreational family activity for the less fortunate of our community. The committee is concerned that this summer will be particularly difficult for families especially with the challenging economic times. There is only so much money for these families and their needs will have to come first. We fear that the healthy recreational activities like the pools will be something they simply have to cut out.
Tax-deductible donations in any amount may be sent to: The Fond du Lac Area Foundation, 384 N. Main Street, Suite 4, Fond du Lac, WI 54935. A contribution of $130 will provide a pass for a family of four for the entire summer, but donations of any size are needed and appreciated. Most families also contribute at least something toward the passes. If you have any questions regarding donations, you may call the Fond du Lac Area Foundation at 921-2215.
“Our children looked forward to our family trips to the pool,” noted one parent. “Without the pool passes, we would not have been able to spend that special time with our children. Thank you so much.” We hope many in this community will again get behind this project and find it in their hearts to donate to it.
Important Registration Information
Families and individuals wishing to apply for free and reduced-priced pool passes for the Fond du Lac outdoor pools may do so at the Fond du Lac Recreation Department, 85 Morningside Drive for two days: Monday, May 9th from 5:00-6:00 PM and Wednesday, May 11th from 1:00-2:00 PM. Applicants must be Fond du Lac County residents and must bring photo id, social security cards, proof of income and proof of residency to apply. If you have any questions regarding applying for free or reduced pool passes, you may call the Recreation Department at 929-2885.