Local News
Sunday Morning Fire

Fond du Lac, WI: On August 31, 2014 at 3:51 a.m. the City of Fond du Lac Fire Department was called for the report of a house fire at 777 Grove Street. Upon arrival the fire department personnel encountered fire on the exterior of the structure in front of the main entrance of a two family residence. The neighbor across the street woke up to see the fire and contacted 911. The occupants were able to safely exit the home without injury. Fire crews were able to quickly extinguish the fire before it spread into the interior of the structure. “This fire could have been much worse if not for the early notification and the quick response of fire crews,” said Fire Chief Peter O’Leary.”
The cause of the fire doesn’t appear to be suspicious, but remains under investigation by the Fond du Lac Fire and Police Departments. The FDL Police also assisted with traffic and scene control.
a grease fire at
on Saturday. That fire was contained to
the stove.
(photo from FDLFD)