Local News
Teen Killed In Dodge County Accident

A teen was killed when his car went
off Dodge County Highway G late Saturday night. Sheriff’s officials say the
17-year-old was driving on County Highway G when his 2008 Chevy failed to
negotiate a curve north of State Highway 16 and 60 went off the road and
vaulted. He died at the scene and was alone in the vehicle. The accident was
reported at 10:19 p.m. His name is being with held pending notification of
family and school officials.
off Dodge County Highway G late Saturday night. Sheriff’s officials say the
17-year-old was driving on County Highway G when his 2008 Chevy failed to
negotiate a curve north of State Highway 16 and 60 went off the road and
vaulted. He died at the scene and was alone in the vehicle. The accident was
reported at 10:19 p.m. His name is being with held pending notification of
family and school officials.