Local News
Thank You Letter From Families Of Dodge County Boys That Went Missing
At this time it’s so hard to find words adequate to express how incredibly blessed we feel to have our boys back with us safe in our homes. We along with our family and friends went straight to the Lord God to ask for the safe return of Sam, Zach and Tate.
We want to express our utmost gratitude for the countless Emergency Service Workers who united together to bring our boys home safely. We will be forever grateful to each and every one of you for working tirelessly throughout the night and the heat of the day to do this. It was amazing to watch both the families and different organizations supporting each other and seamlessly putting a plan together.
We ask that you respect the privacy of our families from this point forward and this is our final statement in regards to this incident. Please know that we are eternally grateful to all of you.
Respectfully the families of Sam Lein, Zach Heron and Tate Rose