Local News
Town Hall Meeting Scheduled About Methamphetamine Concerns
In the photo: David and John Hopper of Hopper’s Silk Screening and All Star Trophy, Ellen Sorensen, Coordinator of Drug Free Communities, City of Fond du Lac Police Chief Bill Lamb and Shad Gregor City of Fond du Lac Department of Solid Waste.
Fond du Lac, WI – The City of Fond du Lac Police Department and Drug Free Communities of Fond du Lac County (DFC) are partnering to host a Town Hall meeting on Meth, Thursday, November 30th at the Goodrich Little Theatre 72 West 9th Street, Fond du Lac, beginning at 6:30pm. This event begins a prevention and awareness campaign for our community regarding the drug methamphetamine or meth.
Panelists include: District Attorney and DFC member Eric Toney who will speak on prevention, City of Fond du Lac Police Chief and member of DFC Bill Lamb, and Supervisory Special Agent Brad Dunlap, Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation will address law enforcement issues and Amy Johannes, Clinical Supervisor Addiction Services, Agnesian HealthCare and chair of DFC will speak on treatment options. Kim Mueller, Fond du Lac Public Health Officer and member of DFC will be available as a resource to answer any questions regarding harm reduction.
City of Fond du Lac police officers are seeing meth on our city streets. One of the drug abuse treatment and recovery centers in Fond du Lac is now reporting that they are seeing more meth addiction than heroin/opioids. Our concern with meth becoming a drug of choice is the perception that meth could be safer than opioids, with little to no risk. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Our department is partnering with DFC in presenting a Town Hall Meeting on Meth. Come and educate yourself on this latest threat which has the potential to destroy the lives of our young people, families, and workplaces, as well as threaten the fabric of our community.
Please share this information with your families, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Together as one voice we can get the message out that meth is not a safe drug to use, is illegal and how we can work to prevent it from hitting our community as the opioid crisis did.
Each of us can make a difference by taking responsibility for becoming informed regarding emerging drug trends.
For more information on what you can do to look for upcoming events and information visit the Drug Free Communities website at www.drugfreefdl.com, call 920-906-6700 ext 4704, or find us on Facebook.