Local News
Trailer Took A Long Time To Become Uninhabitable

Fond du Lac County’s Public Health Officer says it took more than a few months for a trailer near Campbellsport to become “uninhabitable” due to the hoarding of cats and ill health of the resident. Kim Mueller says the woman living in the trailer on Country Aire Drive had missed some medical appointments and a sheriff’s deputy found her on a couch. There also were about 40 cats and a dog living in their own filth. Mueller says they have to go by the book in determining whether living conditions render a home “uninhabitable.” But she says it’s a fine line. She says conditions were deplorable. Mueller says there was about a foot of garbage covering the floor of the trailer with empty cat food containers, feces and urine. She says if there’s one thing that can be learned from the situation it’s that we should check on our elderly or ill neighbors. The woman was taken to a hospital and the Humane Society rescued the cats from the trailer. A couple of dead cats were also found. Officials believe despite what the woman claimed it may have taken years for living condition in the trailer to become so bad. Fond du Lac Humane Society photo.