Local News
Treffert Center Will Work To Put Teens With Autism On Career Paths

Dr. Darrold Treffert, a leading expert on autism and savant syndrome, says it is unfortunate teens with autism have few career options when they graduate from school. He says basically they reach a cliff and have nothing to do after they reach that cliff. Treffert said during a press conference at the Treffert Center in Fond du Lac that funding is now available through the state’s Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Treffert Center will be starting up a program to help those teens get on a career path. He says they will start with an advisory council. He says the parents’ advisory council is needed because there are parents whose children aren’t working after they reach the age of eighteen because programs like Brooke Industries aren’t appropriate for them. Treffert says a lot of those teens have hidden talent, but tapping into it can be difficult at times because the teens may not be aware of the talent themselves.