Local News
Truck Carrying Wind Turbine Overturns South Of FDL

Highway 151 southbound in Fond du Lac was down to one lane after a semi carrying a tower for a wind turbine overturned south of County Highway D Thursday morning. It happened about 11 a.m. State Trooper Scott Hlinak was on the air on KFIZ’s Morning Show when he was called away for the accident. Sergeant Luke Newman who was also a guest on the show told the show’s host Bob Hoffmaster that those sections of tower for the wind turbines usually travel south from Manitowoc eventually ending up on Highway 151. Newman says state troopers and inspectors use to run escort for the wind turbine sections as they traveled, but that’s no longer necessary due to improvements to intersections. The cause for the accident wasn’t released, but tire marks at the scene indicate the truck’s brakes may have locked up. No one was injured in the mishap. Picture courtesy of Steve “axle” Hinkley.