Local News
Two Injured In Sheboygan County Accident

Two people were injured when a car and a semi collided at the intersection of State Highways 28 and 57 in Sheboygan County Tuesday morning. Sheriff’s officials say a Toyota Prius driven by 33-year-old Damien Payne of Port Washington was heading west and failed to yield for a northbound semi driven by 57-year-old Donald Lunger of Brookville, Pennsylvania. An Eagle III helicopter flew Payne to Aurora Bay Care in Green Bay. Flight for Life flew his passenger 25-year-old Dustin Lechler of Adell to Theda Clark Regional Medical Center in Neenah. The truck driver wasn’t injured. The accident in the Town of Lyndon was called in just before 8 a.m.
Three people were injured when a car and a semi collided at the intersection of State Highways 28 and 57 in Sheboygan County this morning. Sheriff’s officials say a passenger car was heading west and failed to yield for a northbound semi. Two of the injured were flown by Flight for Life and Eagle III helicopters to medical facilities. An ambulance took the third injured person to Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center. The accident in the Town of Lyndon was called in just before 8 a.m.