Local News
US Senator Ron Johnson Visits Brenner Tank

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson toured
Brenner Tank in Fond du Lac Friday. The federal lawmaker from Oshkosh talked a
little about his 31 years in business and praised Brenner as a first class
company, one that has been in business over 100 years. Johnson did a little
campaigning saying,”We all want a safe and prosperous and secure America,
Wisconsin and Fond du Lac. He also took questions from workers about social
security, the president’s use of executive actions, and qualmed fears about the
recent plummets in the stock market. There was even a reference to the
Packers-Cardinals’ playoff game. Johnson’s likely opponent in the fall election,
former Senator Russ Feingold, toured Alliance Laundry Systems in Ripon earlier
this week.
Brenner Tank in Fond du Lac Friday. The federal lawmaker from Oshkosh talked a
little about his 31 years in business and praised Brenner as a first class
company, one that has been in business over 100 years. Johnson did a little
campaigning saying,”We all want a safe and prosperous and secure America,
Wisconsin and Fond du Lac. He also took questions from workers about social
security, the president’s use of executive actions, and qualmed fears about the
recent plummets in the stock market. There was even a reference to the
Packers-Cardinals’ playoff game. Johnson’s likely opponent in the fall election,
former Senator Russ Feingold, toured Alliance Laundry Systems in Ripon earlier
this week.