Local News
Warming Shelter Needs

Solutions Center Executive Director Nicole Johnson says they are looking for a temporary place to house to their warming shelter for the homeless. She says some of the people who stayed in their shelter this past winter had physical disabilities that made it difficult for them to climb a winding staircase to the second floor at St. Paul’s Cathedral where the shelter is located. She says it is a safety concern. The shelter serves adults only from November 1st through March 31st. She says the current shelter has only the basics and they’d like to offer more to the people staying in it. She says that would include a kitchen, showers and laundry room; preferably on a first floor. She says their board of directors is working on a strategic plan with long-term goals, but they need a place for a warming shelter at least for a couple of years. Those with ideas can call the Solutions Center at 923-1743. Solutions Center photo.