Local News
Water Testing Results Meeting
Educators from UW-Extension invite the public to a meeting on Thursday, August 29 at 7 p.m. at the Osceola Town Hall to learn more about well water quality in the Towns of Osceola and Mitchell (Sheboygan Co.).
A number of homeowners in Osceola and Mitchell sampled their well water a month ago for bacteria, metals, and atrazine. Results from these tests will be returned in a private folder, and UW-Extension groundwater specialist Kevin Masarik will discuss what they mean for the health of all area residents.
The Town Clerk, Barb Klumpyan, welcomes residents of Osceola, Mitchell and surrounding area, saying, “This educational program tells you how to protect your family and reduce the chances of well contamination.” The Town Hall is at W1476 Highway F, Campbellsport, WI.
Additional water sampling bottles and radon test kits ($10) will be available from the Fond du Lac County Health Department. Throughout the year, the County Health Department can test well water for bacteria and nitrates. For pregnant women and families with a baby younger than a year, testing is free. Call 929-3085 for information in English; call 929-3178 for information in Spanish.
Attendees will also hear information about Emerald Ash Borer which was recently found for the first time near Mauthe Lake. More information is available at http://fonddulac.uwex.edu or by calling (920) 929-3173.