Local News
Waupun School District REACH Families In Need

A special initiative in the Waupun School District helps families in need. It’s called REACH or Reaching Everyone through Actions with Community Hands. District Superintendent Tonya Gubin says it began last May and has been a success. She says it’s raised tens of thousands of dollars to help people and kids in need. She says sometimes it’s a matter of providing people with money for basic needs. She says parents may need money to turn their electricity or water back on. Sometimes it’s to pay for food. She says this month they are doing a socks and underwear drive for kids. She says a lot of little kids don’t have socks and underwear and sometimes not enough for clean socks and underwear every day. Gubin says this June and July they are planning to do a “Fill the Bus” effort to collect school supplies for those in need.