Local News
Winnebago County Sheriffs Deputies Now Carrying Narcan Into The Field

Winnebago County Sheriff’s deputies now carry Narcan into the field with them. A local physician trained deputies on how to administer a nasal spray version of Narcan to revive someone having an opioid-related drug overdose. The deputies then make sure that person gets follow up medical care. Sheriff John Matz says his deputies have been to many heroin overdose situations and seen the devastating effects first hand. He says they’ve seen an increase in heroin use over the years and had successful investigations leading back to the dealers. But he says giving first aid at the scene is also important. He says deputies working at the jail have also been trained on the use of Narcan. Sheriff Matz says he and other Sheriff’s administrators will also be getting the training. He says they were able to purchase the Narcan through a grant their County Health Department applied for.