Local News
FDL County Clerk Glad To See Recount Legislation

Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg says she’s glad to see state legislators considering tightening up the requirements for recounts following last fall’s recount of the Presidential vote in Wisconsin. She says one positive that came out of that election is that new voting equipment in the County was accurate. She says in every single municipality the machines were accurate. She says human error caused discrepancies in the voting. She says allowing a candidate to ask for a recount that had no chance to win the election was a waste of time and money. Senator Devin LeMahieu’s bill would only allow a recount in election races where at least 4,000 votes are cast and the loser was within 1 percent of the winner and in elections where less than 4,000 votes are cast where less than 40 votes separated the candidates. There would also be requirements for clerks to submit reimbursement costs within a timely fashion Freiberg says that wasn’t an issue for her last fall. She says it cost Fond du Lac County $12,385 to do the recount.