$1.1 million road construction project set to begin north of Oshkosh

To invest in Wisconsin’s transportation system, Governor Evers signed a $1,131,640 contract to improve one mile of WIS 76 from just north of County Road II to just south of Shady Lane in the township of Clayton, Winnebago County, Wis. Construction begins Monday, July 8. WIS 76 will remain open during work. The project is expected to finish in late August this year.

Stark Pavement Corporation of Brookfield, Wis. is the Prime Contractor.

Project improvements

This is a resurfacing-level improvement which includes:

  • Milling and resurfacing of WIS 76
  • Replacing deteriorated guardrail
  • Repair of deteriorated sections of the curb
  • Cleanout of culvert pipes

Traffic impacts

WIS 76 will remain open to traffic during construction of this project.

  • There will be full-time, single-lane closure within the four-lane section of the roadway.  Flaggers will be used to direct traffic near each project limit where WIS 76 transitions down to two lanes. 
  • Local, business, and emergency access will be maintained at all times.

Project benefits

The project will reduce roadway roughness and provide a smoother driving surface for motorists. The improvements will also extend the life of the existing pavement and decrease future maintenance costs. Culvert cleaning will mitigate the potential of water on the roadway. Upgrades to curbs and guardrail will further enhance safety.

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