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1 in 5 people moving head to a different state

2022 census data shows fewer Americans moved in 2022, but 20% of those who did, moved to a different state.
2022 census data revealed there were 33 states where more people moved into than left, while 18 states lost more residents than they gained.
The top five states that Americans moved out of were Alaska, New York, Illinois, California and Wyoming.
The top five states that Americans moved into are Idaho, Vermont, Montana, South Carolina and Maine.
Wisconsin saw their fair share of an influx of out of state residents. 7,537 people moved to Wisconsin from California, 19,307 people moved to Wisconsin from Minnesota, and 27,369 people moved to Wisconsin from Illinois.
In contrast, 10,167 people moved OUT of Wisconsin to Florida, 12,764 moved out of Wisconsin to Illinois and leading the exodus out of Wisconsin is Minnesota where 18,702 Wisconsinites relocated to.