2023 Walleye Weekend Forecast Updated For Saturday And Sunday

This forecast will change if and when model data changes. This forecast was made Saturday morning.

Saturday warms a bit into the low 80s but dewpoints look to stay in the low 50s keeping things somewhat in the comfortable range. A weak cold front continues to show up on models moving from north to south through the area around 5 or 6 pm. Along with the front passage comes a chance of rain and thunderstorms which models are showing lasting on and off through the night.

Sunday cools down with the passage of the cold front coming through. Models are showing the rain moving out by early morning but the National Weather Service is holding on to a 30% chance of rain during the day. High temperatures will fall back down into the low 60s maybe even struggling to get out of the 50s with a cooler north wind around 10 to 15 mph under mostly cloudy skies.