28 dogs found in hoarding case need public’s help in the form of donations

The Fox Valley Humane Association is asking for help after rescuing 28 dogs from a hoarding situation in Calumet County last Tuesday. Crews rescued the dogs at a home in Chilton and are now under the care of the organization as they evaluate them for any health issues.

The rescue happened after the health department noticed dozens of malnourished and deceased dogs in a home during a welfare check.

Fox Valley Humane Association Medical Director Jim Ziegler estimates it’s going to cost about $1,000 per dog to get them to a point where they can be adopted.

Ziegler says It’s a little difficult because the group just asked for donations for 186 cats they took in, and now they’re asking for donations for the dogs. He went on to say It’s always hard to make another ask but it’s going to have to come from the community.

The group is looking for donations of bags for dog waste, puppy pads, dog food along with other items. They are also accepting monetary donations as well which you can do on their website.