Local News
500+ Cyclists Expected For Race The Lake Sunday

The annual Race The Lake bicycle event happens tomorrow, Sunday, August 20, 2023.
The 90 mile race through 3 counties around Lake Winnebago starts at 5:45 AM and participants have 8 hours to complete the course.
The event starts and ends in Lakeside Park in Fond du Lac. Motorists in the area of the lake are urged to use extra caution along lake roads. Police will be on hand at some of the busier intersections along the course and will be stopping traffic to give cyclists the right of way.
The course remains close to the lake for most of the race except towards the end where it heads east on County Triple H then south on G and back west on County WH. The start and finish line are on Harbor View Drive in Lakeside Park.
Over 500 cyclists are expected to take part in the race. Prizes are given out to the top 3 males and females in 14 different age groups as well as other miscellaneous prizes.