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6th Congressional District Debate Stories

Candidates for the 6th Congressional District seat debated issues in Fond du Lac Monday. Both candidates were asked what they saw as unique challenges for the district. Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris (D-Oshkosh) said turning the economy around is something the country as a whole faces. State Senator Glenn Grothman (R-Campbellsport) also talked about creating more jobs. He says that happens by reducing the corporate tax rate and easing regulations for manufacturers and other business. The two face each other on November 4th with the winner succeeding Congressman Tom Petri. The debate was sponsored by the Fond du Lac Noon Rotary Club.
On Health Care
The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare came up during a debate between the two candidates for the 6th Congressional District seat Monday. The debate was sponsored by the Fond du Lac Noon Rotary Club. Democrat Mark Harris says the Affordable Care Act could be improved slightly, but shouldn’t be abandoned. Republican Glenn Grothman opposes Obamacare he says market based reforms would reduce care costs and make health care more accessible. The Winnebago County Executive and State Senator are competing for the seat Republican Congressman Tom Petri has held for the last 35 years.
Problem Areas In Campaign
During a debate in Fond du Lac between the two candidates for the 6th Congressional District seat the two candidates were asked about potential problem areas in their campaigns. State Senator Glenn Grothman (R-Campbellsport) was asked about the perception that he courts controversy. He says the willingness to take a controversial stance is what sets him apart. Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris was asked about the perception that he leans to far to the left. He says that perception is created by those who want to see him defeated in the campaign and far from the truth. The winner of the November 4th election will succeed Tom Petri who has represented the district the past 35 years. The debate was sponsored by the Fond du Lac Noon Rotary Club.
Posing Questions To Each Other
During a debate in Fond du Lac Monday the two candidates vying for the 6th Congressional District were allowed to ask each other one question. Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris asked State Senator Glenn Grothman why he would not accept his invitation to do debates in all 11 counties in the district. Grothman says he poked around to see how many debates Congressional candidates usually do during a campaign and even the Governor candidates have only accepted a few invitations. Grothman asked Harris why he signed a petition for a recall of Governor Scott Walker when ACT 10 helped him as a County Executive balance his county’s budget. Harris says it was a matter of conscious and ACT 10 reduced take home pay for a lot of people in his county.The winner of the November 4th election will succeed Congressman Tom Petri who decided not to run after representing the district for the past 35 years.
You can hear the complete 6th Congressional District debate tonight on News-Talk 1450 KFIZ. It will air at 5:30 p.m. on the one you depend on KFIZ.