Fond du Lac Morning Rotary shares “The Magic of Rotary”

Fond du Lac Morning Rotary Club installed the following Rotarians to the lead the club during 2024-2025 Rotary year: President, Christine Schiek; President-elect, Kim Laws; Club Secretary, Mike Retelle; Treasurer, Mark Daniels; Immediate Past-president, Adam White; Foundation Committee Chair, Ted Miller; Sergeant at Arms,Tim Taylor; Club Directors: Jeff Reed, Christine Martin, John Hawkins, Michael Schumacher, Deb Witkowski; Barb Senn.

The 2024-2025 Rotary theme is “The Magic of Rotary.” “The Magic is in Rotarians combining our burning need to change ourselves and to change the world.” – Says Rotary International President,
Stephanie Urchick.

According to Fond du Lac Morning Rotary’s incoming president, Christine Schiek, “The optimism, vibe and ‘can do’ attitude of this club and its members is unparalleled! Service is the reason people join Rotary. They want to make a difference and we offer a full range of opportunities. Volunteerism is an example of our living the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.”

Serving and transforming our community through projects that have a lasting impact is a goal of Rotary. Recent projects include Read4Life, Rotary Reader at Pier School, providing Birthday Books each year to every K-5th grade child in Fond du Lac public and private schools. Service work examples include the Fond du Lac Back to School program; Sleep in Heavenly Peace and the Fondy Food Pantry. Eliminating polio world-wide continues to be a focus of all Rotary clubs with progress being made every year.

Through its 30 year history, Fond du Lac Morning Rotary has contributed nearly $1,000,000 to worthy local and international programs and projects.