A look at what December brings to the Fond du Lac area meteorologically

December is the darkest month with the longest nights and shortest days of the year coming to a peak on December 20th when we have just shy of 8 hours and 55 minutes of daylight. This day also coincides with the first day of Winter on the 21st, though to keep things simple, meteorological winter starts December 1st and runs through March 1st.

In December we see temperatures drop from a normal high of 36 on the first to 28 on the 31st. Lows follow this trend dropping to 22 on the first and 14 on the 31st.

Our warmest temperature recorded in December came in at 65 degrees on December 5th of 2001 and the coldest low dropped to -28 °F on December 26, of 1914.

We average 8.5 inches of snow with the snowiest day being December 3rd of 1990 when 14 inches fell. The most snow to fall in a month was in 2008 when 45 inches blanketed the area.