Local News
Additional Funding Included In FDL City Budget For Library
By a unanimous vote the Fond du Lac City Council last night put an additional $41,000 into the Public Library’s budget. Council members asked Library Director Jon Mark Bolthouse what would happen if the Library’s proposed budget weren’t changed. Bolthouse told them they would have furlough days for staff and the Library would have to be closed those days. He told the Council they needed about $56,000, but the Library would be able to cut its materials budget and a data base for about $15,000 of that. He says the Library has been a very conscious steward with the money they are given and have about 1,000 visitors a day. The additional funding for the Library will come out of the City’s General Fund balance. As will an extra $3,750 the Council approved to take care of downtown flower planters that aren’t being properly maintained. The Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership has an adopt a planter program for the 48 planters and most businesses do a good job of maintaining them. City Manager Joe Moore says about 15 planters will be relocated to central areas downtown and the City will oversee them. The Council will approve the 2014 City Budget, Tax Levy and 5-year Capital Improvements Plan at their October 23rd meeting.