City of FDL to Test Alternatives to “Round Up” for Weed Removal in Parks

The City of Fond du Lac will be looking at potential
alternatives to using the weed control product Round Up in its parks. The City
Council heard more about how the Parks Department uses Round Up to remove
weeds, and the plans for trying out new products in the coming months at its
meeting last week.

City Manager Joe Moore tells us that while Round Up is used
regularly in city parks to remove weeds, concerns over the health effects of
the chemicals in Round Up have led them to see what other options there are. “We
are going to do some trials this summer with some other products – Both organic
and non-organic – and we want to see what that will cost in terms of money, and
time and the effectiveness as well,” Moore said.

Moore explains that the new products will be tested only in
specific areas of the city, with the majority of weed removal work staying the
same this summer.