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Feyen Receives WCA Award
State Senator Dan Feyen(R-Fond du Lac) received the Wisconsin Counties Association’s “Outstanding Legislator Award.” Feyen was presented the Award Thursday by the Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA) in recognition for his exceptional work on behalf of county government during the 2019-2020 Legislative Session.
“Yet again this session, Senator Feyen has been a true advocate for county government and we are appreciative of his leadership that impacts not just his district, but all 72 counties,” said WCA Executive Director Mark D. O’Connell. “The partnership the Association has with Senator Feyen and his staff is greatly valued and his tireless dedication to the taxpayers makes for a better Wisconsin.”
The “WCA Outstanding Legislator Award” is handed out biennially to a select group of legislators who have represented county interests in both the legislature and in their districts. The legislators demonstrate leadership for counties on key issues, legislation and the state budget.