Local News
Republican Party Birthplace Celebrates 160th Anniversary
Ripon’s Little White Schoolhouse, the birthplace of the Republican Party celebrates, the 160th Anniversary of that distinction today. Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jason Mansmith says other cities in the U.S. claiming that distinction don’t have a legitimate gripe. He says 53 people met at the schoolhouse on March 20th, 1854 to organize a new party and the anti-slavery movement was at the heart of it. He says in addition to establishing the roots of a political party the meeting also kicked off the birth of the civil rights movement. He says that history is one reason no matter, which party you’re affiliated with you should visit the Little White Schoolhouse. The Little White Schoolhouse is open from June to October and weekends in May and October. Events will be held throughout the year to commemorate the anniversary.