Local News
Thiesfeldt Would Have Voted Against Bucks Arena Financing
State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt says had he been able to attend an extraordinary session of the State Assembly this week he would have voted against the Bucks arena financing package. The state lawmaker from Fond du Lac was one of about 13 or 14 legislators who weren’t able to be present for the vote that approved the package. Thiesfeldt says he talked to a lot of constituents in the 52nd State Assembly District who had concerns about using taxpayer money to help finance the arena. He says the state didn’t help out the Packers or Brewers when the Packers did a massive renovation and the Brewers built Miller Park. He says the three owners of the Bucks could have financed the arena themselves, but chose not to. He says they and former Bucks’ owner Herb Kohl are putting up half the cost of the $500 million, which he says is generous, but they could have funded it. Thiesfeldt says it sets up a precedent for any professional sports franchise that wants to build or upgrade a stadium, ball park or arena in the state. Thiesfeldt was on a family vacation during the extraordinary session.