Renovations Continue In FDL School District

Students in the FDL School District are entering their fourth full week of full-time classroom instruction. And while students fill the hallways, a great deal of construction continues within the district. John Williams is the Director of Facility Services for the District, gave an update as to where things stand with school renovations.

“We’re still doing phasing at each school. We’re taking about 3 classrooms at each building and turning them back over when we’re done. Each of the five sites, we have at least one or two restrooms that are fully completed or on the verge of being completed.”

Williams said major progress will be seen at Roberts Elementary. “At Roberts they should be moving this week into a new medically fragile classroom for our medically fragile students. And then the office remodel.” Williams was asked to explain what a medically fragile classroom looks like. “What we try to do in a medically fragile classrooms is provide a restroom. You hope to have a sink, a changing area that’s private and away from other students. And large enough to house the equipment that comes with that classroom.”

The Board also discussed the slate of potential candidates for Superintendent, as well as discussed the questions that could be put in place for the upcoming interviewing process.