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NFDL School Board Approves Updates To Back To School Plan, Goldapske Abstains From Vote
The North Fond du Lac School Board was already down two board members going into the Special Meeting Tuesday night. During the evening, Board Member Dr. Vickie Goldapske removed herself from the meeting.
The board met in a Special Meeting Tuesday night, where District Superintendent Aaron Sadoff proposed adjustments to the current Welcome Back Plan. The plan implemented right now highly recommends that masks or face coverings be worn while inside school district buildings.
The proposed plan would allow Sadoff to adjust the Welcome Back Plan as COVID-19 metrics and situations dictate.
In making his proposed adjustments, Superintendent Sadoff said “I’ll be 100% transparent here, I see us having to require masks within the next week, if we keep seeing what we are seeing in our schools.”
Board Member Dr, Vickie Goldapske said she could not agree with giving the Administrator the ability to decide to mask the students, and citing Robert’s Rules of Orders, dismissed herself from the remainder of the meeting and abstained from the final vote.
The board paused the meeting while Superintendent Sadoff made contact with the School District legal representation, to get clarification on whether or not a quorum was present. Sadoff was told that, since the board was already short two members, with three remaining members present, only two members were needed to represent a quorum.
The remainder of the board, which included President Pete Chisholm and V.P. Stephen Hock, voted 2-0 to approved the adjustments.
You can view the adjusted plan here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQgGeWIu4AbXrCY9zQ44TEtT83b0eGfbsJ90xoM-96CMvejgFfm8A4BtQ57iApYYpnbdWdDJNrTKM5W/pub?urp=gmail_link